Crystal Lake Central High School Dance Team Outdoor Photo Shoot Sept 2023

It’s always fun to photograph the Crystal Lake Central dance teams. I always do both the varsity and and junior varsity teams. Each year we pick out a new locatio, but this year we returned to one of our favorite locations at Shamrock Hills Park in Crystal Lake.

During these sessions, we shoot full team shots, class groups, and then get a bunch of individual shots. Some dancers do leaps while other focus on static poses, and some do both. With this team, we are photographing the varsity and junior varsity dance teams at the same time, so I have a second photographer working with the JV dance team.

They have the option of changing outfits. Some teams put on their Friday Night Lights uniform especially if we’re doing a shoot in the fall, and then they put on their competition outfit as well. We also sometimes do shots in jeans, more casual attire.

So many options! And the price of $40/dancer for high school and university dance teams cannot be beaten.

Contact us at 312-613-0674 or wiht questions or to schedule your sessions at our studio or on location.

Ron McKinney